Hours and Fees

Mikveh Schedule

Saturday - 7:30-9:00 pm

Sunday - Thursday - 8:00-9:30 pm

Appointments are not necessary, except for Friday night and Yom Tov. For Friday night and Yom Tov appointments, please call or text Rochelle at 516-456-1347.

The Mikveh’s answering machine (516-933-3215) and the Young Israel of Plainview weekly e-mail will list any changes in the schedule due to holidays or fast days. 

The fee for women is $25.00. Please see special information for Brides here.

The Keilim Mikveh is open for use during daytime hours and closed during the hours coinciding with use by women. Please send a text to 516-978-3464, 516-655-3847 or 516-456-1347 to receive the code to unlock the door

MALI   97 Southern Parkway  Plainview, New York 11803        MALIPlainview@gmail.com     516.933.3215