Our Mikveh
Our Mikveh is designed to provide a meaningful and uplifting experience for you, and everything is provided for your comfort and convenience.
All of our Mikveh attendants are knowledgeable regarding preparation and will help provide assistance, should you need it. We are proud to announce that our Mikveh staff has recently been trained on the emotional and religious needs of women who are facing, or have survived, breast or ovarian cancer. Working with Sharsheret: the Jewish Breast and Ovarian Cancer Community, the Mikveh strives to be a source of comfort and safety for all women. Educational resources are now available at the Mikveh. If you have any concerns, please contact Janet 516-978-3464. If you would like support or additional information about breast or ovarian cancer, please contact Sharsheret at info@sharsheret.org.
Upon arrival, you will be greeted by the attendant who will escort you to one of our four preparation rooms. For the utmost privacy, each of the rooms includes a sink, toilet, tub or shower, and one of the rooms includes barrier-free, accessible fixtures. All rooms are equipped with towels, a robe, disposable slippers, and a full complement of toiletry items. If you require any other items, please contact the attendant, as the Mikveh has additional supplies.
For a summary of the laws regarding preparation prior to immersion, please see guidelines here.
When you have completed your preparations and are ready for tevilah (immersion), please use the intercom to signal the attendant. She will escort you down the private corridor to the Mikveh pool room, which has a vaulted, sky-blue ceiling and steps that lead down to our heated pool.
The Mikveh attendant will offer to look over your hands and feet prior to immersion. If you do not wish to be checked at all, please inform her. It is each woman's responsibility to check her own body before immersing, and it is important that the entire body, including one's hair, be fully immersed in the water. The main role of the Mikveh attendant is to ensure that this occurs.
The bracha for tevilah is posted near the Mikveh pool. Many women take a moment before or during immersion in the Mikveh to offer their own personal prayers.
After exiting the pool, the attendant will escort you back to your preparation room. When you are dressed, please use the salon area, where there are hair dryers and toiletries for your use. In the salon, you will also find reading material about women's spirituality and health, a community bulletin board, and news about Mikveh programs and events.
Before leaving, please see the attendant to pay the Mikveh fee. Packaged bedikah cloths are also available for purchase.
MALI 97 Southern Parkway Plainview, New York 11803 MALIPlainview@gmail.com 516.933.3215