Preparation for Immersion
The laws of family purity help to sanctify the special bonds of Jewish marriage, and they introduce a period of separation and reunion between a wife and her husband. Separation begins with the onset of monthly menstruation, during which time, the husband-wife relationship is expressed without physical intimacy. When menstruation ceases, a woman calculates the correct time to immerse in the Mikveh.
Click here for a calendar to help calculate Mikveh immersion.
Prior to immersion, a woman must prepare herself thoroughly and prevent any barrier that would come between herself and the waters of the Mikveh. The following checklists will assist women to prepare: Mikvah Preparation checklist Preparation (Chafifah)
For questions regarding preparation please contact:
Rabbi Elie Weissman of the Young Israel of Plainview,
Office phone: 516 433-4811, Cell phone: 718 510-5852
Yoetzet Halacha, Rebbetzin Avital Weissman is also available for consultation. She may be reached at 718 510-5853 or via e-mail:
MALI 97 Southern Parkway Plainview, New York 11803 516.933.3215